Accountability. Trust. Transparency.

Elkanah Reed | Dec 15 , 2017

Accountability. Trust. Transparency.



Eleven Digital offers the opportunity for true accountability behind the media spends of the Top Advertisers in the US across an endless variety of media channels. Eleven App offers the best-in-class market research data to optimize media buys against consumer behavior.

Eleven enables the Top Advertisers in the US to make sure their Billions of ad dollars are reaching their intended audience with the right message at the right time.

Eleven partners with top advertisers to enable them to move their ad dollars toward the goal of increasing household penetration.

Eleven Digital pairs our Best In Class DMP (Data Management Platform) with our bespoke Ad Effectiveness Studies to ensure that each advertisement is hitting the target and influencing consumer behavior in positive ways.

Right now the World’s Best Brands are lacking Accountability, Trust, Transparency in their advertising. 

Accountability in advertising means that a Brands know how your advertising strategy leverages 1st party data in real time to reach the right audience.
Trust in advertising means that Bransd can trust that 1stt party consumer behavior data is being leverages to build content that speaks to the heart and soul of a community because the content caters to their preferences.
Transparency in advertising means that Brands are aware of the cost behind the Media. Brands should maintain control of their tech stack in order to optimize their spend and drive increased household penetration. 

With Eleven, Brands minimize waste. Branded Entertainment supported by Eleven Digtal’s 1st party data becomes something Consumers willingly consume as entertainment instead of ignore, block or skip as ads.

Eleven app is big data for Branded Entertainment. Eleven is the data layer every brand needs to optimize branded entertainment and deploy it through publisher channels and traditional digital ad networks.

Focusing on the foundation of Accountability, Trust, and Transparency, Eleven Digital is working with the Top 200 Advertisers in the US to move $20M each into Branded Entertainment over the next 3 years in order to make Branded Entertainment an advertising vehicle that maximizes the media spend.